
UJam - Virtual Guitarist Carbon 1.01 VSTi, AAX x64 (Win)

UJam - Virtual Guitarist Carbon is a virtual instrument that creates universal, modern “sound” guitar sounds in all musical genres - from super-quantized accents in electronic music to action-packed large riffs in soundtracks for games and subtle atmospheres in films. 


UJam - Virtual Guitarist Carbon 1.01 VSTi, AAX x64 (Win) part 1

UJam - Virtual Guitarist Carbon 1.01 VSTi, AAX x64 (Win) part 2

UJam - Virtual Guitarist Carbon 1.01 VSTi, AAX x64 (Win) part 3

UJam - Virtual Guitarist Carbon 1.01 VSTi, AAX x64 (Win) part 4

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UJam - Virtual Guitarist Carbon - the most versatile virtual guitarist for sound engineers and musicians who transcend borders. This is an otherworldly guitar for soundtracks for games and scores, but it can also give electronic and pop music an additional impulse. This is a wild and very distorted sound, but this rudeness is somehow accurate, manageable and sometimes even looks like a synthesizer.
Enthusiasm for the sound designer - No matter how often you use aggressive digital effects, the underlying sound textures will always remain organic and unprocessed. The instrument always remains playable and musical. This allows CARBON to sound great and combine with the synthesizers, drum machines, orchestras and musicians of the group.


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