
GetGood Drums - One Kit Wonder: MODERN FUSION (KONTAKT)

GetGood Drums presents One Kit Wonder, a series of drum libraries inspired by many GGD users who use our drums to create your tracks. In the creative process, it is very important that there is as little time wasted as possible between the moment of inspiration and the moment of catching and hearing your ideas as soon as possible, sounding polished and professional, so that you remain excited as ideas develop further. 


GetGood Drums - One Kit Wonder: MODERN FUSION (KONTAKT) part 1

GetGood Drums - One Kit Wonder: MODERN FUSION (KONTAKT) part 2

GetGood Drums - One Kit Wonder: MODERN FUSION (KONTAKT) part 3

More Vst Instruments & Sample Libraries...

And this is where One Kit Wonder comes into play - the drums are sampled at the same level of detail as our other libraries, but fully mixed and ready to use, so you can dive into the music-making process and your ideas sound amazing right away. 

Kontakt Player Library (with full NKS integration) and can be used with Kontakt’s Free Player – no need to buy the full version of Kontakt to use GGD!
Mix ready drum tones - good to go out of the box
A brand new, fully-featured and intuitive UI
Built-in Groove player
Built-in Master EQ, Parallel Compression and Reverb
The entire kit is tuned to perfection, so you’ll never be fighting against sour notes in your mix
Every sample is phase-coherent for easy layering


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