
Musical Sampling - Trailer Brass (KONTAKT)

Musical Sampling - Trailer Brass was produced with more modern, over-sized contexts in mind. We recorded three different groups: a ten-horn ensemble, a ten-trombone ensemble and the Horde; a three-cimbasso/three-tuba ensemble that has been aggressively processed for maximum beefiness. Musical Sampling - Trailer Brass included a varied collection of sound design patches that utilize the brass recordings in some great ways. Impacts, pads, synth basses, rhythmic drones and the like. 


Musical Sampling - Trailer Brass part 1

Musical Sampling - Trailer Brass part 2

Musical Sampling - Trailer Brass part 3

Musical Sampling - Trailer Brass part 4

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Companion library to Trailer Strings.
Recorded in a large concert hall.
Three different sections: 10 Horns, 10 Trombones, 3 Tubas/3 Cimbassos (The Horde).
Morph Stacking programming allows any note length to sound natural.
Recorded in centered, wide seating arrangement across the stage.
To Silence feature.
Adjustable Humanization feature.
Includes true FFF sampling.
Three microphone positions: Close, Room, Mixed.
Processed Horde samples for maximum beefiness.
Custom Sound Design patches sourced from brass recordings.
Recorded in 48khz / 24bit.
3.6 GB uncompressed (2.4 GB compressed NCW format).


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