
ToonTrack - Electronic Edge EZX (WIN/OSX) (SOUNDBANK)

Toontrack Electronic Edge EZX - Library for Superior Drummer 3 and EZdrummer 2. Toontrack has released a new library for Superior Drummer 3 and EZdrummer 2 virtual drums that has been designed to create drums for a variety of popular dance music genres. 


ToonTrack - Electronic Edge EZX (WIN/OSX) (SOUNDBANK) part 1

ToonTrack - Electronic Edge EZX (WIN/OSX) (SOUNDBANK) part 2

ToonTrack - Electronic Edge EZX (WIN/OSX) (SOUNDBANK) part 3

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Toontrack Electronic Edge EZX is a collection of 30 handpicked unique presets as well as a large selection of custom instruments. The library has 57 bass drums, 49 drums, 50 cymbals and 36 toms. In addition to the standard instruments, Electronic Edge contains many special effects (Atmosphere, Percussion, Fx, Risers, Melodic), which are designed to saturate the drum arrangement. Additionally, the extension includes a ready-to-use collection of MIDI files.


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